some lovely pictures

Friday, May 15, 2009

a successful night

Well hey everyone!
So, what a long day, heck i should say what a long week. I've never had to prepare, plan, an organize something like this before and i have to say... it was pretty insane. But, i believe it was a success. We had about 80 people show up and make about $1,000 so i can't complain. The guy who came and sang did a really good job as well. He got everyone involved and taught people a few phrases in spanish, it was pretty funny. I spoke a few times and attempted to throw in a few funny lines, i think i got some sympathy laughs... haha.
But i made a little video of tonight if y'all want to see. Thank you thank you thank you for al the support and prayers. I really could not have done it without you and i know that the kids and school that we work with down in costa rica will appreciate it as well.



  1. Congrats! $1000 is pretty big. Looks like everyone had a great time. *insert rest of our other conversation here*


  2. Your a super star & amazing.

    So few people would go to so much trouble to raise money for charity and good causes but you've done it, and raised so much money.

    Well done you, be proud!
    Love always,
    Sue :) x

  3. yay wcs. it's very inspiring how much you put into what you do. i'm so glad it was a successful venture. you deserve it all. :)
