some lovely pictures

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Costa Rica anyone?

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a while because I have been busy being a tourist all over the VA area... and its been fun!
Anyways I was talking to my mom today and we were discussing my Costa Rica trip that I've been planning.
*For those of you who don't know about the trip, see blog from like a month ago or ask me and I'll give details.
so, yeah... apparently the dentist team that we thought was going to tag along can't come which is a bummer but I'm still excited about the other fun projects I have planned. But, since they aren't coming, we have like 5 open spots on the trip now.
I know its like this summer but you all have become such great friends, I just wantd to extend the invitation to y'all... whether you can come or not. Tickets are actually not too expensive right now.
So yeah, just wanted to throw the invite out, if anyone is interested... let me know :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fly By Night

So tonight I head off to VA. I am going to be in Lynchburg, then go to Virginia beach, then end up in D.C. As much as I will miss chatting with you all for the next week, I am really excited to reconnect with old friends and just be in the east coast. I love history and ghosts and I love the east coast (hey look at that, I made a rhyme). I have only been to the east coast once, but that experience was so amazing, I can't wait to see more of it!
I love to travel, if I had the money I would travel every weekend. I have been to a lot of different places and I love the excitement and energy of the airport. I love looking at the departure screen and seeing all these cities that I have yet to visit (of course I also get depressed seeing all the cities that I have to visit). But, I love the idea of new adventure... and i think that's why the idea and having a fresh start in the fall is so exciting for me. Obivously, living at home, makes you feel constrained. Especially if you have already lived away from home and end up moving back (thats what I did). But I feel like this trip to VA is the first step in really moving forward with my journey. 2 of my best friends live in VA and so the main purpose of the trip is to see them. Then, 3 other friends will be down there as well so 6 of us are going to be reconnecting!! I haven't seen some of these guys in like 2 years... and I'm excited to update them all on the new plans that God has for my life. I met them when I did my internship in Texas for 12 months right out of high school. They are my family and I have missed them dearly.

So I like lyrics and there is a song by Rush called "Fly by Night". I though it was apporpriate since I fly tonight.

"Why try? I know why

The feeling inside me says it's time I was gone

Clear head, new life ahead

It's time I was king now -- not just one more pawn

Fly by night, away from here

Change my life again

Fly by night, goodbye my dear

My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend

Moon rise, thoughtful eyes

Staring back at me from the window beside

No fright or hindsight

Leaving behind that empty feeling inside

Start a new chapter

Find what I'm after

It's changing every day

The change of a season

Is enough of a reason

To want to get away

Quiet and pensive

My thoughts apprehensive

The hours drift away

Leaving my homeland

Playing a lone hand

My life begins today"

So, yes... i think those lyrics are perfectly fitting to where I am at in life.

So anyways, I will try to stop in to the chat later today after work and say fare thee well. But, if I don't happen to catch you all, I will miss you and I will take plenty of pictures with my new camera!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Power Animal

So, after seeing the new blog Austin and Hilarie posted, I went into the chat room and discovered everyone searching and finding their power animal. I clicked three times and the 3rd one ended up being my favorite. My first two clicks were practices. I am a buffalo!
Anyways here is the link to that site if you want to discover your power animal

The buffalo will teach you how to survive, even when the cold wind blows and the snow drifts across the plains. He will teach you how to grow a thick coat and hold your head down in winter, doing what you must, but full of the certain knowledge that winter will pass and the green grass will again push through to the sunshine of spring. And then, when summer comes, he will teach you how to shed that long, shaggy coat and adapt to the new season. You will be able to handle whatever comes your way, strong and capable, comfortable in the cold or in the heat, for you are the buffalo.

The buffalo can also teach you the power of the group. For even though the buffalo is a very powerful animal in his own right, he is especially powerful as a member of a group, where the stronger and more experienced actively protect others. The buffalo will help you feel more a part of those around you, finding your proper role, whether it is as a leader and protector or one of those protected. Either way, the buffalo energy will help you relate well and easily with others.

Buffalo energy will also help you find hidden talents and abilities within you. For the buffalo, though appearing slow, can actually run very fast and can leap great heights. You will surprise us all with your newfound strengths, for you are the buffalo.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Healing Power of Music

"I think music in itself is healing.
It's an explosive expression of humanity.
It's something we are all touched by.
No matter what culture we're from,
everyone loves music."
~ Billy Joel ~

I am so excited about this new phase in my life. I am moving to MI in the fall. I am going to be taking this giant leap into the unknown and trusting God the entire way. Yes, I am scared and I have my doubts every once in a while, but I keep focusing on my passion and my vision of music. All my life I have always loved music. It has always been a huge part of my life and it has truly helped and healed me. I also love working with children. So, in the fall I decided that being a music teacher for elementary school kids would be perfect. Today I just discovered a new career that would be another amazing thing... music therapist.
Music Therapist: Music Therapy is an established healthcare profession that uses music to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals of all ages. Music therapy improves the quality of life for persons who are well and meets the needs of children and adults with disabilities or illnesses. Music therapy interventions can be designed to:
  • promote wellness

  • manage stress

  • alleviate pain

  • express feelings

  • enhance memory

  • improve communication

  • promote physical rehabilitation.

How cool does that sound? I would be someone who helped an individual heal using music.
I don't know... it just seems really needed in the school now a days. Children struggle with so many personal and family issues and I feel like schools can be doing so much more to help them out. I would love to do music therapy in the schools.
So, I'm definitely going to look into this more. I'm still going to get my BA in education but I might continue my education and go for a masters in counseling.
Hmmm... the possibilities...
I have a dream. I may not know exactly what my career is going to be, but I know it will involve music. I also know that I want to instill passion for music in others.
I am ready for this journey!

Bring it!


so this is one of the short stories from "The Book of Wonder" by Lord Dunsany. This was one of the books I got at Powells last weekend.
Its a bit long but if you have time you must read it. The writing is just so intriguing.

The child that played about the terraces and gardens in sight of the Surrey hills never knew that it was he that should come to the Ultimate City, never knew that he should see the Under Pits, the barbicans and the holy minarets of the mightiest city known. I think of him now as a child with a little red watering-can going about the gardens on a summer's day that lit the warm south country, his imagination delighted with all tales of quite little adventures, and all the while there was reserved for him that feat at which men wonder.

Looking in other directions, away from the Surrey hills, through all his infancy he saw that precipice that, wall above wall and mountain above mountain, stands at the edge of the World, and in perpetual twilight alone with the Moon and the Sun holds up the inconceivable City of Never. To read its streets he was destined; prophecy knew it. He had the magic halter, and a worn old rope it was; an old wayfaring woman had given it to him: it had the power to hold any animal whose race had never known captivity, such as the unicorn, the hippogriff Pegasus, dragons and wyverns; but with a lion, giraffe, camel or horse, it was useless.

How often we have seen that City of Never, that marvel of the Nations! Not when it is night in the World, and we can see no further than the stars; not when the sun is shining where we dwell, dazzling our eyes; but when the sun has set on some stormy days, all at once repentant at evening, and those glittering cliffs reveal themselves which we almost take to be clouds, and it is twilight with us as it is for ever with them, then on their gleaming summits we see those golden domes that overpeer the edges of the World and seem to dance with dignity and calm in that gentle light of evening that is Wonder's native haunt. Then does the City of Never, unvisited and afar, look long at her sister the World.

It had been prophecied that he should come there. They knew it when the pebbles were being made and before the isles of coral were given unto the sea. And thus the prophecy came unto fulfilment and passed into history, and so at length to Oblivion, out of which I drag it as it goes floating by, into which I shall one day tumble. The hippogriffs dance before dawn in the upper air; long before sunrise flashes upon our lawns they go to glitter in light that has not yet come to the World, and as the dawn works up from the ragged hills and the stars feel it they go slanting earthwards, till sunlight touches the tops of the tallest trees, and the hippogriffs alight with a rattle of quills and fold their wings and gallop and gambol away till they come to some prosperous, wealthy, detestable town, and they leap at once from the fields and soar away from the sight of it, pursued by the horrible smoke of it until they come again to the pure blue air.

He whom prophecy had named from of old to come to the City of Never, went down one midnight with his magic halter to a lake-side where the hippogriffs alighted at dawn, for the turf was soft there and they could gallop far before they came to a town, and there he waited hidden near their hoofmarks. And the stars paled a little and grew indistinct; but there was no other sign as yet of the dawn, when there appeared far up in the deeps of the night two little saffron specks, then four and five: it was the hippogriffs dancing and twirling around in the sun. Another flock joined hem, there were twelve of them now; they danced there, flashing their colours back to the sun, they descended in wide curves slowly; trees down on earth revealed against the sky, jet-black each delicate twig; a star disappeared from a cluster, now another; and dawn came on like music, like a new song. Ducks shot by to the lake from still dark fields of corn, far voices uttered, a colour grew upon water, and still the hippogriffs gloried in the light, revelling up in the sky; but when pigeons stirred on the branches and the first small bird was abroad, and little coots from the rushes ventured to peer about, then there came down on a sudden with a thunder of feathers the hippogriffs, and, as they landed from their celestial heights all bathed with the day's first sunlight, the man whose destiny it was as from of old to come to the City of Never, sprang up and caught the last with the magic halter. It plunged, but could not escape it, for the hippogriffs are of the uncaptured races, and magic has power over the magical, so the man mounted it, and it soared again for the heights whence it had come, as a wounded beast goes home. But when they came to the heights that venturous rider saw huge and fair to the left of him the destined City of Never, and he beheld the towers of Lel and Lek, Neerid and Akathooma, and the cliffs of Toldenarba a-glistening in the twilight like an alabaster statue of the Evening. Towards them he wrenched the halter, towards Toldenarba and the Under Pits; the wings of the hippogriff roared as the halter turned him. Of the Under Pits who shall tell? Their mystery is secret. It is held by some that they are the sources of night, and that darkness pours from them at evening upon the world; while others hint that knowledge of these might undo our civilization.

There watched him ceaselessly from the Under Pits those eyes whose duty it is; from further within and deeper, the bats what dwell there arose when they saw the surprise in the eyes; the sentinels on the bulwarks beheld that stream of bats and lifted up their spears as it were for war. Nevertheless when they perceived that that war for which they watched was not now come upon them, they lowered their spears and suffered him to enter, and he passed whirring through the earthward gateway. Even so he came, as foretold, to the City of Never perched upon Toldenarba, and saw late twilight on those pinnacles that know no other light. All the domes were of copper, but the spires on their summits were gold. Little steps of onyx ran all this way and that. With cobbled agates were its streets a glory. Through small square panes of rose-quartz the citizens looked from their houses. To them as they looked abroad the World far- off seemed happy. Clad though that city was in one robe always, in twilight, yet was its beauty worthy of even so lovely a wonder: city and twilight were both peerless but for each other. Built of a stone unknown in the world we tread were its bastions, quarried we known not where, but called by the gnomes abyx, it so flashed back to the twilight its glories, colour for colour, that none can say of them where their boundary is, and which the eternal twilight, and which the City of Never; they are the twin-born children, the fairest daughters of Wonder. Time had been there, but not to the domes that were made of copper, the rest he had left untouched, even he, the destroyer of cities, by what bribe I know not averted. Nevertheless they often wept in Never for change and passing away, mourning catastrophes in other worlds, and they built temples sometimes to ruined stars that had fallen flaming down from the Milky Way, giving them worship still when by us long since forgotten. Other temples they have—who knows to what divinities?

And he that was destined alone of men to come to the City of Never was well content to behold it as he trotted down its agate street, with the wings of his hippogriff furled, seeing at either side of him marvel on marvel of which even China is ignorant. Then as he neared the city's further rampart by which no inhabitant stirred, and looked in a direction to which no houses faced with any rose-pink windows, he suddenly saw far- off, dwarfing the mountains, an even greater city. Whether that city was built upon the twilight or whether it rose from the coasts of some other world he did not know. He saw it dominate the City of Never, and strove to reach it; but at this unmeasured home of unknown colossi the hippogriff shied frantically, and neither the magic halter nor anything that he did could make the monster face it. At last, from the City of Never's lonely outskirts where no inhabitants walked, the rider turned slowly earthward. He knew now why all the windows faced this way—the denizens of the twilight gazed at the world and not at a greater than them. Then from the last step of the earthward stairway, like lead past the Under Pits and down the glittering face of Toldenarba, down from the overshadowed glories of the gold-tipped City of Never and out of perpetual twilight, swooped the man on his winged monster: the wind that slept at the time leaped up like a dog at their onrush, it uttered a cry and ran past them. Down on the World it was morning; night was roaming away with his cloak trailed behind him, with mists turned over and over as he went, the orb was grey but it glittered, lights blinked surprisingly in early windows, forth over wet, dim fields went cows from their houses: even in this hour touched the fields again the feet of the hippogriff. And the moment that the man dismounted and took off his magic halter the hippogriff flew slanting away with a whirr, going back to some airy dancing-place of his people.

And he that surmounted glittering Toldenarba and came alone of men to the City of Never has his name and his fame among nations; but he and the people of that twilit city well know two things unguessed by other men, they that there is another city fairer than theirs, and he—a deed unaccomplished.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Some potentials!

So... as I am starting to understand the character of Mona Mills a bit more I have started to look around for my picks.

Then tonight ali suggested that we post our top 3 picks.
I feel like I should be rebellious and pick more but i'm not sure what I'm gonna do.
Right now I have my number one pick...
1) Zooey Dechanel
Since first reading about Mona, I have had Zooey in the back of my head. I know others have mentioned her as well and I think she would be perfect.
2) Emily Blunt
I fell in love with this actress while watching her brilliant acting in "The Devil Wears Prada." I don't know... I just think she could pull it off.
3) Mary Elizabeth Winstead
I'm not gonna lie... I really loved the movie Sky High. I think she would make a fun Mona
4) bonus number... i'm leaving this spot open for an unknown actress.
but really, it's late and I can't think of anyone else. I will most likely add more later.

Penguins are our favorite fish

So today has been a roller-coaster of emotions. I must say though, I would have never though that God would use my crazy viking hat wearing east coast sister to help me out. Becca- Thank you so much for allowing me to vent to you today. Your friendship truly is amazing... and random... but I would have it any other way.
We had an amazing conversation earlier and we decided to make a blog about it. I told her she could post cause I wasn't in the mood but I decided to add this little bit to it.
I hope that you will be encouraged by this. God works in mysterious ways and I'm so glad that he does.

so... even though Becca posted a blog on our conversation... I thought I would post her blog here too.

So the other day we were asked to write SGP milestones that have affected us. The following conversation is between Raquel and I-a friendship that never would have happened had it not been for Southern Gothic Productions. This is our milestone. It's one of many, but one that we are both so grateful for. I know it's a little long, but I think that's okay. I hope whoever reads this knows how awesome it is to find a friendship like this, and the amazing thing is, there are so many more of them that have been formed because of SGP. It's an amazing company to support and it has blessed us with amazing people in return.

hey there darling'
how ya doing?
i've been better
i know.
i'm sorry.
its fine... its just a lot of stuff been building up and today I just feel like the devil decided to completely attack me
its just frustrating
i know its not that big of a deal but I just feel horrible about everything
i know. and it is a big deal. you have the right to be upset. it's okay to. you can vent. fell free. i'm here.
I have a bad habit of building up walls and shutting my family out when I am going through hard times
and I hate it cause my family is awesome... I love them and they are amazing. Isolating myself is like my huge weakness and so these past couple of months have been so hard on them
I had this plan to go to school in portland and continue working at the school here but when GOd shut that door, it took him a while to reveal this MI door. I have no patience so during that waiting period, I struggled a lot
wow, i feel like that's me talking. i have the same problem. i put on the brave face and keep the world out. i'm trying to break those walls, but i know it's so hard.
sorry, I'm totally taking your offer up for venting... let me know if I should back off a bit
you are fine. i promise.
yeah... I totally put on the brave face and my grin but it gets exhausting really fast
its like... I trust God and I strive to have that joy... but I feel like I have to always be happy around everyone
yea, i've learned that's cause it's not always supposed to be there. sometimes you have to feel low to get back up again
its true... thats one of the things GOd has been teaching me. How he leads us through the dessert to build us back up again and make us stronger
I am so glad he allowed me to go through all that I did these past months but at the same time I feel like I hurt my family so much... I just want to try and fix it
God teaches us every day. He's making you so strong and so brave-i mean, you're moving to MI. He's instilling that knowledge that you can do this in you.
well just don't be too hard on what you should've done in the past, just try and build a better tomorrow with them. i know you can.
yeah... and since he told me about my 3 layer funfetti cake awaiting me in MI, I have been learning so much about myself and God... and I know him and I both are gonna have an amazing journey together.
keep moving forward right?
yep, it's going to be the best cake you've ever had. i guarantee it.
haha... its like I've been preaching that to so many people but haven't been listening to those words until now
RAQUEL pay attention to your own words!!! Keep moving forward!
(me, giving myself a talk)
i know how that is. it's like i said in a past blog, i'm everyone's cheerleader and somewhere along the way, i forgot to be my own
could we be anymore similar?
i don't know. i'm a little freaked out about how similar we are right now haha
haha... me too.
God is great. He brought our friendship together.
its so true
I am so thankful for our friendship. One of the most random friendships ever!
i know right? it's kinda shocking. but awesome.
its true...
you need to go watch the sound of music. watch the vantraps get out of austria.
oh, wow... that was totally going to be my plan
no? oh wow.
weird. SOund of Music is my medicine
we are basically the same person
did you ever watch Boy Meets WOrld? random question but I have a point...
did i ever watch boy meets world? that was my show haha
same here... I can basically quote the whole series. Ok so you probably know this episode...
the one with the fiance game and Rachel and Eric are partners
and Feeny goes "what is his favorite fish" and rachel goes "Penguins" and feeny is like "no i don't think you understood the question" and eric yells "BAM"
showing off that he did indeed write penguin and proceeds to say "its like we have one brain"
that's us. penguins are our favorite fish
anyways... your its like we're the same person reminded me of that
you should add that to the blog...
so am

how fast a day can get ruined...

So here am I again, just hours since my last post. I'm an idiot.
I went to print off my tickets for "Wicked" during my lunch break and turns out, it was last Friday not tonight. I had written down the wrong date. I can't get a refund, I can't exchange them. I had bought 3 tickets, 2 for me and my sister, and one for our friend. $215 wasted.
I feel like the ultimate failure. Not just because of being an idiot and not paying attention to the dates, but a failure as a sister.
(This is the part where I am just going to vent as I cry my eyes out... they are already swollen. As I was reading others blogs today there seemed to be a common theme of this freedom and trust that we all have in each other to just express ourselves and be vulnerable as we post. I am going to do that right now)
So, in the past couple of months have been really hard. My sister and I are 6 years apart but she is my best friend. I have always been there for her, except for these past couple of months. I had been struggling so much on what I was suppose to do in the fall, and feeling far from God, and feeling stressed at work, and just everything that I pushed her and my family away. It wasn't until recently when I wrote that post about my epiphany on MI that I finally started to connect with my sister again.
I had bought the tickets for Christmas and was so thankful that I did cause this was going to be our night. This night that I set aside to just spoil her and talk to her and show her why I love musicals. SHe has been looking forward to this since Dec, I have been looking forward to this since December. But I'm a failure.
I feel stuck.
I know I'm suppse to move to MI. I know that my parents and friends approve of this move. I know that my guilt of didtching my sister shouldn't hold me back but it is.
I know that I shouldn't be feeling like this but I am. I don't know what to do. I know that there are going to be other nights and other moments and opportunities for us to hang out before I leave, but tonight was suppose to be our fresh start.
Yes, I can still take her out on a date night and I most likely will but I feel like I have dissapointed her to the extreme.
Any moment now she is going to come into my classoom like she always does and hopefully I will have this post finished. But all day I have gotten texts from her saying how horrible and long her day was. All day I have been getting texts about how the only thing that is getting her thorugh is "wicked". How do I tell her?
I am such an idiot.
I deserve a time out.
I somehow need to figure this out.
I most likely wont be in the chat room today.
I need to fight this depression I feel coming on.

Wish me luck.

A "Wicked" Friday

So tonight is the night!!!! If you have read my previous blogs about my love for music, musicals, theater, ect., then you can probablyunderstand how excited I am about tonight. I saw "Wicked" 2 years ago when I was in TX doing an internship there. It left me speechless. If you have never heard of the play... here, educate yourselves

If you have heard or seen the play then you know how glorious and stupendous it is. My sister has never seen it and I had bought her tickets for chirstmas so I am just super excited to share this experience with her.

I will definitely post pictures tomorrow. I hope you are all having a tremendous friday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

And then I don't feel so bad...

So, i'm not gonna lie, after reading Sue's blog about her leg, I was feeling a little whoosy. I don't do needles, x-rays, blood, nothing really. I started to laugh cause I immediately started to sing "my favorite things" and it helped. So this blog is dedicated to Sue in hoping that if you are feeling sad or sore, you can think of your favorite things!

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things
Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
Door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into Springs
These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The SGP fort

So, last night in the chat we were joking with Ali about holding down the SGP chat fort and Jac was extremely creative and made a photo.I just had to share it with everyone cause its hilarious!
Also, everyone needs to see the video that Megan made. It is truly breathtaking and inspiring! She put a lot of effort in making it and Geoh did such a great job doing the music.

oh and happy St. Patricks day everyone!
*and you didn't hear it from me but its Liz's birthday today so go and wish her a happy birthday!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Busy Monday for everyone!

So it seems like today was a busy day for everyone. Amber had her presentation, Becca had her test, I had 2 presentations to present to a board of staff members, and there is a new post from Southern Gothic
*side note
Amber- so happy that everything went well. I know you would do fantastic and I'm very proud of you! That report was awesome.
Becca- I know you are going to do fine! Can't wait to hear how you did.
Ok, anyways.... I had to do a presentation for my after school arts program that I'm starting. I basically had to show them the benefits of the arts in a child's life. Wasn't too hard to present since children and the arts are my passion. They loved it and the program officially starts April 6th. I'm so excited. Hopefully children will discover their love for the arts through this... at least thats my hope.
Second presentation I had to do was for my upcoming trip to Costa Rica. I am planning this trip all on my own and I am collecting all the supplies needed for the trip. My plan was to have each classroom adopt a family and buy shoes and school supplies for them. I presented the idea to them and they loved it. I have to plan an assembly for the friday after spring break and will have to present the idea to the whole school but again, I'm excited!

I know God is going to do grea things and its fun to have both of these projects move forward.

Hope everyone is having a great monday!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Powells and Portland

So, yesterday was such an adventure. My plan was to go around Portland and take some pictures of my favorite areas but it was raining. Then my camera died so I didn't really get many pictures anyway. I did however spend a great amount of time at Powells. For those of you who don't know, Powells is the happiest place on Earth. Its a bookstore in Portland and it's my sanctuary. This place is ginormous. Filled with books of course but there are like 4 levels and like 10 different rooms. I love books, and I love discovering new books. Yesterday, instead of taking pictures of Portland (I did take a few though), I spend 4 hours getting lost in the world of books. I found a few new authors and books, one book in particular that I think everyone should get. It's called the "The Book of Wonder" by Lord Dunsany. This book is really small and old, but it is filled with a ton of short stories, remarkable short stories, and its amazing. I also came across a book called "Einstein's Dreams" by Alan Lightman. This is really cool. It reminded me of Sue and her writing about thoughts and words. It's basically a book asking questions about time. It's really hard to explain but its really good. I bought it. Then I found another author, Ursula K Le Guin. Another book I have been wanting to get that I finaly got was "Don't Pat the Wombat." I think everyone should read this book. One of the funniest and entertaining books I have read.
So, I made a video of my trip to Powells. It's six minutes long so I'm gona just attach the link if you want to see it cause I'm sure it will take a while to upload on here.

And to end this post... here are some really random pics of Portland that I took before my camera died. I will definitely go back when the weather gets better because there are so many more places that I want to show you all.

Friday, March 13, 2009

we really are a connected quilt

So, as I am here at work catching up on people's latest posts and blogs... I can't help but smile.
Its amazing how in this short period of time that I have gotten to know most of my new SGP family, they have just become a part of my life. I remember how exciting it was to find of group of people who had a similar passion as me. Even though we had different backgrounds, different talents, and lived all over the place, we all had a connection.
I love that sometimes if I'm going through a rough day and I can guarantee that Becca will have posted some amazing quote with pictures that brings a smile to my face. Or, if I feel like my plans for the future are uncertain or I just am scared to take that first step... I know that I'm not alone and Megan or Kim will have posted something that they are going through.
I remember posting my blog about my decision to move forward with my move to Michigan and then reading Beccas blog about taking a leap of faith. Then today, I read about Kim and how she is planning on taking that leap of faith and moving to Wilmington.
I love that my passion for music and the arts and education can help others and that others can inspire me.
I love that if I just miss Costa Rica and being in a spanish enviornment, I can go over to Titania's blog and just read her amazing posts.
and... I love how I have made a new sister in Spain and I'm so excited about my trip to go visit her with Becca in December!
I think it's really cool how God uses unlikely sources to teach and remind us of things. How would have thought that finding this blog in January and popping into the chat room a month ago would lead me here.
I am so thankful for this SGP quilt. You guys are all awesome and I always enjoy reading your blogs or watching your vlogs or just spending some time chatting with you all.
Southern Gothic is doing amazing things!
Keep being awesome everyone.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reasons to be Happy This Week

So this week was classified week for work which means that all the classified teachers are getting appreciated. I have been getting a ton of cards and free coffee drinks, and even got a free chair massage. I'm not the type for big gestures but after a long couple of rough months with work, it was nice to see a little bit of the impact I have been making with my students.
Sometimes it's hard to see the impact you are making on a student... especially when you are a specialist teacher. But, it has been really rewarding hearing teachers compliment me on the different they are seeing with my students in the classroom.
So, yeah... that was a fun thing to have happen at work

Another reason to be happy this week is because my orchestra concert was last night! It went so well and I was really proud of everyone. I still have my other orchestra on Thursday nights but I'm excited to take a little break from Tuesday night orchestra.

Also, next week I'm going to see the musical "Wicked". I saw it 2 years ago and it was amazing! I'm taking my sister to go see it so I'm excited to share the experience with her. Even though it's next week, it still makes this week amazing.

...and it's almost spring break

the end

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

yes everyone....

I have joined Flickr....
here is the link to some of my photos

Monday, March 9, 2009

bored percussionists vlog

So here is a quick little snippet of what orchestra can be like sometimes and why I have the time to chat with you guys in between my parts... It's really short but I find it hilarious... I can't help but laugh at how pathetic we look.
enjoy :)

A Drifter

ok, so this blog is really just a way for me to write out everything that happened this past weekend... you don't have to read it if you don't want.
So, Saturday turned out to be quite the random evening. I went to this birthday party at this old Masonic Lodge that had been converted into this hotel and they were celebrating some anniversary there. It was really random but fun. I decided to spend the night at my friends house last minute cause it started to snow really hard and didn't feel like driving back home too late. Anyways, I got to my friends house around 10:00 and we were just talking about how I had just found out I had gotten accepted to one of the colleges in Portland.
Side note- For the past couple of months I have been struggling on what God wants me to do in the fall. I have finished my AA and know what I want to do (be a music teacher), I just haven't been sure how to do it. I applied to a few colleges in Portland and one in Michigan. I applied to Michigan because 2 of my best friends live there and I really enjoyed the area. Long story, but yeah, I have just been feeling like a drifter almost. I have been feeling like I'm floating around, not really clinging on to the right things, not clinging on to God. I don't know if you believe in God or not but I do, and I know that when I find myself drifting away from him, I get confused. I have been almost trying to plan my future on my own. When really, I just can't.
Anyways, that was my side note...
So, we were talking about getting into this college and my friend asked me how I felt about it. I realized, I really didn't want to go there, in fact, I really didn't see myself going to school in Portland. I love Portland, but I feel like for the longest time, I have been settling with convinience... I haven't been taking that giant leap. Yes, I have been taking chances with work and this trip to Costa Rica, but I never really taken that giant leap of faith. The way I saw was God has, on several occations, baked this giant 3 layer cake for me... but I have been settling for the cupcakes cause the 3 layer giant cake is too hard to get. So, my friend asked me the typical question: If money wasn't an option, where would you go?
My answer: Michigan.
I did not expect that word to come out of my mouth but as soon as I said it, I felt such peace and confirmation that this was it, this giant leap that I need to take. I got really excited. Then, my friend, who by the way is also my mentor, just flat out told me "go to Michigan". It was right there when she said those words that I realized I need to go. I feel like this is a journey that God is allowing me to have to grow closer to him and grow in my walk spiritually and just to grow as a person. Michgan is my 3 layer cake. It's not going to be easy, but the reward is going to be worth it.
So, then I went to church yesterady morning and my pastor was talking about a drifter and how sometimes people can drift away from God. I just started to laugh. How much more of a confirmation did I need? That pretty much sealed the deal. It was like God was saying "Hey, Raquel? I know you have felt like you have been drifting, but I have been here the whole time. You ready to talk my hand and take this leap with me?"
I'm ready!
I talked to my parents last night. I talked to one of my friends last night.
So far everything is pointing towards a move to Michigan in the fall.
Random... yes, but at the same time it really isn't.
I love where I live now, but I am ready to go out on my own.
I am ready to be a teacher.
I am ready to be a light in the schools.
I am ready to make a difference in a child's life.
I am ready to trust.
I'm ready to finally work hard and get God's great 3 layer cake!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Where words fail, music speaks.

Since I shared pictures from one of the places I call home to you yesterday, I thought I would show you some pictures of Costa Rica (my other home).
These are a few pictures that I took from the area that I'm from. Just a little taste of Costa Rica's beauty. Maybe I will post more later...
EXPRESSIONS Look without! Behold the beauty of the day, The shout of color to glad color, rocks and trees, and sun and seas, and wind and sky: All these are God's expression, art work of His hand, which men must love so they can understand.
~ Richard Hovey

Friday, March 6, 2009

Beauty Found In Portland

I love Portland.
I love the diversity of Portland.
I love the simplicity of Porltand.I love the Bridges of Portland.
I love the Spirit of Portland.
I love the Beauty of Portland.
I love living in the "country" and still having Portland 30 min away. I feel like I have the best of both worlds. If you have never been to Portland, let me try to decribe it for you. Portland is surrounded by rivers. In order to get to downtown Portland, you have to cross one of the many different bridges.
From Portland you can see Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, and sometimes Mt. St. Helens. There are so many "city" things to do, but then there are also simple things like walking on the waterfront (my favorite). One of my favorite places in Portland in Powells book store. This place is amazing. Excluding Disneyland from this sentence, I would say that Powells IS the happiest place on Earth. It's like a fun house. There are a ton of different rooms and levels just filled with books. Used books, new books, big books, small books, audio books, EVERYTHING! There is also a fun thing on the weekends called "Saturday Market". Every weekend, a whole chunk of portland is closed off and turned into a market for people to come and seel things. Most of which are hand made crafts. I love to walk around and see the creativity that everyone has. People come up with the coolest things. Along with all the "merchandise", there is a ton of food from all over the world. Peoplel seel food from El Salvador, Nepal, Thailand, Middle Eastern, Africa, and the typical Mexican and Italian food. It's such a fun experience.

I just wanted to share a small piece of my town with you all. Happy Friday everyone!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Showing the SGP love

So, yeah... this is definitely like my third blog today but I don't even care. It's been a fun filled day.

Every Wednesday night a group of us get together and just hang out at a local restaurant in Portland. It's one of the highlights of my week. Anyways, tonight I thought it would be fun for us all to wear the SGP shirts that I made and show our love for the awesomeness that is Southern Gothic. It was totally cool.
Plus, me and my friends just had a great time together. It was kind of perfect actually, just reading everyone's blogs about their best friends today, then going out and spending time with some of my friends... couldn't have asked for a better way to end the day.
So hope you enjoy the pictures!

That's what friends are for!

So yes... this is another blog about best friends. It does seem like everyone is feelin' the love today and taking the time to appreciate the special people in their life. I thought I would do the same.

I'm going to do something different though. The song "Two of Us" by The Beatles is one of my favorites. The song totally describes me and my best friend. I have know her since we were 2... so like 18 years!
I thought I would share the lyrics with you along with some pictures.

Two of us riding nowhere
Spending someone's
Hard earned pay
You and me Sunday driving
Not arriving
On our way back home
We're on our way home
We're on our way home
We're going home

Two of us sending postcards
Writing letters
On my wall
You and me burning matches
Lifting latches
On our way back home
We're on our way home
We're on our way home
We're going home

You and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead

Two of us wearing raincoats
Standing so low
In the sun
You and me chasing paper
Getting nowhere
On our way back home
We're on our way home
We're on our way home
We're going home

You and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead

Two of us wearing raincoats
Standing solo
In the sun
You and me chasing paper
Getting nowhere
On our way back home
We're on our way home
We're on our way home
We're going home

We're going home
Better believe it
-The Beatles

A random Southern Gothic idea... ready?

Ok, so I have been leaving a lot of comments lately to some amazing blogs and vlogs. Side note- I love my new Southern Gothic family.
Anyways, you know the word verifications that they make you do before posting a comment? How random and fun would it be to write a story incorperating those words and coming up with your own definition.

New Project:
anyone who wants to... write a poem, sentence, or story about Southern Gothic using some of those words.


Upon acting out on their catiesse, Southern Gothic's tairefl fans showed their support with verat.
my made up definitions:
Catiesse- cleverness
Tairefl- terrific
verat- truth

sound like fun? I want to read some of your ideas now!

ready... set... SoGo!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So here is my vlog #2. It really random... just me being extremely happy/tired after orchestra practice.
Hope you all enjoy.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dr. Seuss and Reading Celebration Week

So, this week at work we are having fun. We are celebrating Dr. Seuss by having different festivities throughout the school day for the students. Today is pajama day and pajama day=awesome because I can get away with just relaxing and reading to my students. Tomorrow we are totally having green eggs and ham for breakfast... and the mayor is going to read the book to the school. How awesome is that? I love me some green eggs and ham. Wednesday is going to be silly sock day and the principle is going to read Horton Hears a Who. Thursday is Cat in the Hat Day. Everyone is gonna make their own hats... i'm so excited! Then friday I'm going to read a Dr. Seuss book in spanish for the whole school. Not wuite sure which one, but I was honored that they would even ask me.

So, in the theme of Dr. Seuss, I want to know what your favorite Dr. Seuss book was/is? Or maybe a fun memory involving watching or reading a Dr. Seuss book.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

My first vlog- dedicated to SGP

Hey everyone!
So, I i was planning on taking a whole bunch of pics with my friends and I wearing SGP shirts all over portland yesterday but it decided to rain so i was bummed. To make up for not posting some pretty cool pics, I made a vlog about my shirts and just a little word about SGP. Hope you all enjoy.
Also, I just wanted to take a moment and thank Denise for all the effort and time that she put into making the podcast from today (i forgot to mention it in the vlog). Also, go check out Megan's vlog, she has a pretty cool idea that you won't want to miss out on.