some lovely pictures

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Act of Random Kindness

Ok, boy do I have a story for you!
Once upon a time me and my sister went to the airport to pick up two of her best friends. She was told that they were landing at 5:00. It turns out they were leaving at 5:00 and weren't arriving until 7:15. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit frustrated. I had had a long day and really just wanted to pick them up and head home. So, we decided to just stay and hang out at the airport for 2 hours.
So... we were walking back from the security point and this random guy stopped us and asked us in spanish if we spoke spanish. I was kind of thrown off guard but responded yes and then was asked if I could help him out. I then followed him to the Frontier airline check-in and was asked to help translate for them. It turns out there was 4 of them traveling from Costa Rica and this was their first time traveling outside of their country. Their plane was 3 hours delayed and they were going to be missing their connecting flight in Denver so the airline was trying to explain to them that they were going to pay for a hotel and food and have them stay in Denver and get the next flight to Costa Rica tomorrow evening. Anyways, I ended up translating for about 40 min. In between translating I had a chance to talk to them about Costa Rica, since thats where I'm from as well, and it turns out they live right by one of my aunts. We ended up exchanging numbers and I made new friends.
So, after everything was resolved the airline lady asked for my name and gave me and my sister a $20 voucher for dinner to thank us for helping. I was totally caught off guard by that but was extremely thankful. So since we had a while to wait, we took advantage of that and went to the fancy airport restaurant. We ordered an amazing hamburger and got it a bit late cause I guess the kitchen staff had lost our meal ticket. So then we got free desert!
It was just a fun evening. I was just completely reminded by GOd about how much he truly is in control of everything. Even though at was stressed at first about having to stay a couple of hours... he was able to use me to help these people out.
So yeah, you never know when you are going to make a difference in someones life.
the end


  1. what an amazing day wcs. God does work in some random ways sometimes. i love it when what you thought was a good plan gets canned and instead, things turn out even better without a plan to begin with. :)
    so, the end haha.

  2. What a great story. Thanks for sharing:)
    Goes to show that having a plan can be overrated!

  3. 1. Hi! I hate blogger for being a liar.
    2. What an awesome story!!!!!
    3. I had a huge smile on my face from reading it. and then it went bye-bye. and now it's back!!!

    ok that will probably only make sense to YOU!
    thanks, Raquel!!

  4. ahhh what a refreshing and sweet story that is! Like you said, sometimes it is the little things that can turn a whole situation, or even a whole day, around. Thanks for sharing!!!

    “One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession."-Sophocles

  5. That's such a great story Aaron! I love little random acts of kindness. It's cool that you got a free meal and made new friends. Double bonus! :)

    PS, re our chat the other day, it's a slow process but it's getting there!!!

  6. So nice you could help them out Raq!
    a nice experience :)

    xo, Ella
    ps.: karma found a way of compensating you, that's what i believe ;)
