some lovely pictures

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Healing Power of Music

"I think music in itself is healing.
It's an explosive expression of humanity.
It's something we are all touched by.
No matter what culture we're from,
everyone loves music."
~ Billy Joel ~

I am so excited about this new phase in my life. I am moving to MI in the fall. I am going to be taking this giant leap into the unknown and trusting God the entire way. Yes, I am scared and I have my doubts every once in a while, but I keep focusing on my passion and my vision of music. All my life I have always loved music. It has always been a huge part of my life and it has truly helped and healed me. I also love working with children. So, in the fall I decided that being a music teacher for elementary school kids would be perfect. Today I just discovered a new career that would be another amazing thing... music therapist.
Music Therapist: Music Therapy is an established healthcare profession that uses music to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals of all ages. Music therapy improves the quality of life for persons who are well and meets the needs of children and adults with disabilities or illnesses. Music therapy interventions can be designed to:
  • promote wellness

  • manage stress

  • alleviate pain

  • express feelings

  • enhance memory

  • improve communication

  • promote physical rehabilitation.

How cool does that sound? I would be someone who helped an individual heal using music.
I don't know... it just seems really needed in the school now a days. Children struggle with so many personal and family issues and I feel like schools can be doing so much more to help them out. I would love to do music therapy in the schools.
So, I'm definitely going to look into this more. I'm still going to get my BA in education but I might continue my education and go for a masters in counseling.
Hmmm... the possibilities...
I have a dream. I may not know exactly what my career is going to be, but I know it will involve music. I also know that I want to instill passion for music in others.
I am ready for this journey!

Bring it!


  1. Music therapy is such a wonderful idea. I think it is something you would be good at!

  2. Raquel - I think you would make an AMAZING Musical Therapist!!!!!!

  3. Musical therapy sounds excellent and you would be a great Musical Therapist. Totally could use some of that in my life sometimes.

  4. Music Therapist sounds like such an interesting profession, and I think that your totally right about schools needing to think more of the well being of their students. Its a really sad thing how most schools today think more about how to get more funding, than the well being of their students.

    I think that you would make the PERFECT Music Therapist :). Keep us posted!


  5. Musical Therapy, sounds really interesting, and you would be such a great musical therapist.

    When I was in orchestra, I know it helped manage stress, that might be different.. but music therapy is such a great idea!

    I hope all goes well!! :)

  6. That sounds awesome WCS. To change lives like that will be incredible. Just keep God first and I know that the world won't be able to slow you down. You're going to do great things out there Raq. I believe that.


  7. Oh Raq, you are so in schools these poor kids have so much on their minds, hearts, souls...they see and hear everything that goes on with their parents...and music is such a universal language too...Music Therapy would be a wonderful way to help reach children.

    I think the the plan you have of BA in Education and Masters in Couseling would be a wonderful way to lead you in the direction of helping children in schools. :)

